Aqua's Game World

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About Me June 30, 2009

It’s time you knew a little about me. I am a normal (age blocked) year old girl, proud of her heritage. I can really diss people out when I want to. For example: “Stop acting like the Queen of The World, ’cause guess what? You’re not”. That’s only reserved for Super Mean Girls though.

Maybe I’m not normal. then again, no one is normal. why am i not normal?

1. Born in Canada. 2. Is a Shia Imami Ismaili Muslim. (may sound important but is not). 2. parents born in India. 3. two twin cousins. 4. obsessed with the computer. 5. obsessed with music. 6. slightly arrogant. 7. slightly assertive. 8. shy when she meets new people. 9. is (age blocked) and already has a blog.

yay. now you know brand new facts about me. my wishes are.

1. that i would over come severe computer addiction. 3. to have a sleepover party with my 2 closest friends. 4. to get the next book in the series i’m reading. 5. to have Daughtry’s latest album. actually shinedown would be good too.

b-bye all



One Response to “About Me”

  1. well at least oli even let you be a worker on her blog..

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